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Augyst 10,
From our Honorary Police Surgeon, Gerald Ente MD. gente1930@gmail.com
 Our Honorary Police Surgeon, Gerald
"Doc" Ente MD, has compiled a very interesting article on
the so-called "Memory Enhancers" on the market today that claim
to boost your memory function. At our ages, everything may or
may not help.
It is a lengthy article but he made it very
easy to read. You can view the PDF HERE
Doc is
more than willing to answer any health questions you may have. Email
him at the address above. |

May 15,
From Lou Hollander keystonecop1@verizon.net
The LBA wants to alert those members who may be using
the following high cost drugs: Eliquis, Xarelto,
Jardiance, Entresto, Farxiga and Trelegy
of a possible savings. Please read the PDF HERE |

December 27,
We wish to thank Doc Ente for the time he puts into
gathering all the necessary information to make available to our
members and friends regarding the ongoing COVID
His newest article can be read in this PDF |

August 30,
Our Police Surgeon stays up late preparing and writing these
articles which should be helpful to our members and their
families. It's great information about the latest variations
and treatments available. Thanks, Doc!!
Doc Ente's
report can be read HERE |

August 9,
2022 DOC
We wish to thank our Honorary Police Surgeon, Gerald Ente,
MD, for the time and trouble he went thrugh to make this information
available to our members and friends.
It may be lengthy,
but it includes a lot of information as to what this country is
dealing with...another possible epidemic while the current COVID
one still hasn't ended.
The full article can be read in this

May 29,
Our Honorary Police Surgeon, Gerald Ente, MD,
has taken the time to inform our members of the latest information
available on the COVID Omicron virus. It is in the form of a PDF, so
just click on it to open and read.
Doc Ente's latest COVID
update can be read HERE
wish to thank Doc Ente for the time and effort he took to help
Click on the report from March 19th COVID

December 21,
We all know that a new variant
has entered our world with a vengeance. Omicron variant, also known
as B.1.1.529 which began in South Africa in November 2021, is
spreading quickly throughout the world (now in almost 60 countries).
What makes this variant different from the previous variants is that
it has about 50 mutations with about 30 in the spike proteins.
(Remember that as viruses replicate, they mutate, and this does
not make them weaker). It is in the USA, brought here by travelers
returning from the epicenter in S.A., one of whom came directly to
the Javits Center in NYC where he exposed 50,000 other innocent
people from everywhere. These mutations have made Omicron more
transmissible, possibly more resistant to our vaccines and
treatments, and possibly more dangerous. We do not have enough data
at present to answer all these questions. We do know some facts:
Pfizer vaccine booster gives significant protection against Omicron.
This variant is more transmissible (spreads faster and
easier…therefor more contagious). It responds to our present
standard, rapid and home tests. Many of the experts believe that
Omicron is less severe, but this is still open to question. As to
risk for the vaccinated, 2 shots of the mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna)
vaccines do not give adequate protection but adding the Pfizer
booster 6 months after the series is completed is effective and
increases the defenses 25- fold. Other data shows that it infects
vaccinated people 3 times more frequently but with less severity.
Omicron has a greater ability to reinfect than previous variants.
Among its many mutations, Omicron may have picked up a piece of
genetic material from a common cold virus causing more upper
respiratory symptoms. Researchers recently found a mutation, called
R203M, in the Delta variant with makes the virus more infectious. (I
expect this will found in Omicron soon). There are 2 theories held
by experts about the origin of Omicron (the fifteenth Greek letter).
The predominant theory is that someone hidden in a distant secluded
place who was chronically ill with a disease like HIV, who was also
immunodeficient, was sick with Covid-19 for many months while the
virus replicated and mutated in him or her, giving this virus a
chance to evolve into Omicron. The other theory is that it evolved
in a wild animal species like raccoon dogs in the wilderness away
from human eyes (time will tell). Pregnant women remain a group
afraid to take the vaccine because of misinformation. According to
CDC in late November 21 only 35% of pregnant women had received the
vaccine. We know that Covid disease adversely effects the fetus,
causing higher rates of fetal deaths and prematurity. We know that
pregnant women are more likely to have a higher death rate from this
disease. None of the Covid vaccines contain live virus so pregnant
women cannot get Covid-19 disease from the vaccine. This requires
further education. The WHO lists the following 7 Covid-19
vaccines as acceptable for the present emergency use (as of12/2/21).
1. Pfizer-BioNTech vax (USA) 2. Janssen (J&J) vax
(Netherland) 3. Moderna vax (USA) 4. Astra-Zeneca-Oxford vax
(Thailand) 5. Sinopharm Beijing Institute. Bio. Products vax (China)
6. Sinovac-Coronavac vax (China) 7. Bharat Biotech BBV152 vax
(India) Our FDA authorizes only the first three vaccines for
USA. There are over a hundred vaccines by many different nations in
trial throughout the world. Covid-19 is a worldwide pandemic, which
is a condition that must be declared by the Director of the World
Health Organization (WHO) when he/she deems that an epidemic disease
has involved most of the countries in the world. An epidemic is a
widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community of any
kind at a given time. An endemic disease is regularly found in a
community or among particular people. Basically, it remains with us
forever. It will always be there or always recurred, like the flu or
colds. I am predicting that Covid-19 will become an endemic disease
in the USA and in the world in the near future. My reasons are that
we in the USA are stuck at about 60% vaccinated (70% of adults).
Unfortunately, vaccination, which most Public Health experts agree
is our best anti-Covid weapon, has become highly politicized. In all
my previous articles I have tried my best to avoid politics, but now
the facts point to differences in attitudes and resulting outcomes.
Pro-Trump counties in certain states have a twice as many Covid
death rate. Red states have more hospital beds and ICU beds full of
Delta variant cases.
White male Republicans are a
large group of anti-vaxxers who do not accept science. Another large
group of anti-vaxxers are Black people, whose resistance to
governmental decrees stems from the Syphilis research many years ago
where many Blacks were unknowingly used and abused. This
anti-science and “medical freedom” movement needs to be addressed.
One out of every 100 seniors in USA has died
from Covid. • Almost 80% of hospital and ICU beds are
already occupied and still rising, many with Delta related diseases.
• The coronavirus infects fat cells and certain immune cells in
body fat. (This is new and exciting) It explains why obese people
are more vulnerable and hit harder. This opens pathways for future
treatments. • Most vaccines are effective as boosters regardless
of primary series. Mix and match works for boosters. Boosters cut
dead rate by 90%. • Recent studies show that masks do work. They
cut incidence by over 50%. • Pfizer’s Covid vaccine booster approved
for 16 and older. • Pfizer booster shot may last for 9-10
months. • Austria is fining citizens not vaccinated $4000. •
Vaccines in the future may be given under-the-tongue, by skin-patch
or in the nose. We now have a nasal Alzheimer vaccine in the trial
stage. • Brain fog after Covid-19 disease is real and may be
serious. One study claims it occurs in 80% of recovering patients.
(I think this is too high). • On 12/11/21, more than 90% of
federal workers were vaccinated. • The world’s first anti-vax
movement, in the early 1900s in the UK after Edward Jenner
discovered Smallpox in 1776 claimed that the cowpox vax could cause
the sprouting of cow hoofs and horns. • Because of knowledge
gained from this pandemic, worldwide engineers have learned that all
airborne infections may be lessened by using better ventilation
techniques as well as air filters • No new information on long
covid, • New studies confirm that fully vaccinated people are
less contagious than the non-vaccinated. • There are now 5 rare
Variants of Concern: Alpha, Beta Gamma, Delta and Omicron. • The
teen rare vaccine-associated side effect of myocarditis proves to be
not too serious. • Breast milk after Covid vaccination or Covid
recovery is protective to the baby. • Covid-19 spreads in wild
animals like deer, hyenas, lions, tigers, snow leopards and
gorillas…also found in house pets like dogs and cats. • Red
blood cells (30 trillion in each of us), which previously were
thought only to carry oxygen to the cells, recently have been shown
to be immune sentinels…they scan the body, grab up DNA from foreign
proteins and warn the immune system. • Unvaccinated people are
20 times more likely to die from Covid than vaccinated people. •
Covid shots are less effective for people with weak immune systems.
• 1 child loses a caregiver for 4 Covid related deaths. As of
October ’21, over 140 thousand children lost at least one caregiver
Covid-19 during the pandemic. • Breakthrough cases make up under
1% of Covid deaths. Breakthrough cases are higher in patients with
substance abuse disorders. • Covid-19 is killing more US police
than bullets. • Vaccination immunity is stronger than natural
immunity after the booster shot. • Covid immunity is stronger in
women than men. Covid immunity weakens faster in men. Men with
Covid-19 had almost a 50% higher rate of intubation, 22% longer
hospital stay and a higher death rate than women. • Moderna is
building manufacturing plant in Africa. • Hospital systems are
starting to deny transplants to non-vaccinated individuals. Winter
is coming and because in wintry weather we see an increase of viral
respiratory diseases. In the USA we have 61% all-age vaccination
rate. We have suffered almost 800,000 reported deaths. (Globally
over 250 million) In the USA, 1 in 7 people have been infected and 1
in 417 have died. Our hospital beds are filling or already filled
with severe Delta cases as well as normal medical cases. NYS
Governor has implemented mask mandate for indoor space events.
Vaccine manufacturers are racing to update the shots to cover any
new variants and to make sufficient quantities to supply the poorer
nations of the world. We will not defeat this disease unless the
world is vaccinated. Global vaccine equity is a necessity. Our
failure to make vaccine widely available to poorer countries could
make new variants more likely. New variants can emerge anywhere and
can spread everywhere. Canada is expecting almost 30,000 new cases
daily, as opposed to the 3,000 to 15,000 usual cases by mid-January
if Omicron becomes dominant. In the USA we are experiencing
increased cases, increased vaccine rates, longer lines and longer
waiting times. As we here are anticipating a winter surge, whether
by Delta or by Omicron (the Greek name is not important because this
killer disease will remain unless) we must get everyone we know and
then everyone in the world vaccinated and then bolstered.
If you have any questions about
anything related to Covid please feel free to e-mail me at

thought we might be finished with this disease by now but over
700,000 deaths in the USA have proved me wrong. One in 500 Americans
have been killed by this virus. Americans over 85 account for around
2% of our population but 25% of the death toll. During September the
average daily death rate rocketed up to about 2000 for the first
time since March. It is probable that the actual count is higher
than the reported number. After 18 months into this pandemic, we are
still arguing about what should be incorporated into the Covid
mortality figures. We do know that this Covid disaster has already
surpassed the death numbers of the 1918-19 Flu pandemic. US deaths
account for about 14% of the nearly 4.7 million fatalities thus far
globally reported even though the US comprises only 4.2% of the
global population. Thus far almost 400 million vaccine shots have
been taken by Americans. Roughly 75% of Americans (a month ago
before President Biden’s mandates it was 55% fully immunized) are
fully immunized. 27% of US cases are now children. I have bombarded
you with these numbers to point out the seriousness of this pandemic
and to prove that Covid-19 persists. This is now a new pandemic of
the Delta variant.
Let us now discuss some basics. In
addition to medical prevention and treatment, education is important
to stop a pandemic. In fact the word, physician, has a Greek origin
which means teacher. Misinformation (error without regard for
intent) and disinformation (error by intent) have been responsible
for much of the early failure of our national response to this
epidemic. This is still happening. For some reason that I don’t
understand, “fake news” spreads faster than true medical
information. Medical doctors have spread disinformation to such a
degree that the certifying Boards for Internists, General
Practitioners and Pediatricians are threatening decertification for
those found guilty. Certain radio hosts, TV channels, social media,
Governors, and other public officials are guilty of this spreading
anti science disinformation. Researchers have found that just 12
people are responsible for spreading 65% of the misleading claims
and false information including denying that Covid exists. The claim
of First Amendment rights hampers a solution to this problem.
Fighting this dysfunction is like swimming against a strong current.
Somehow, we must defeat this barrier before we can defeat this
pandemic. What is the difference between Emergency Use approval
(EUA) and full approval, both given by the FDA? These are standard
processes performed by the FDA. When the seriousness of a disease or
the rarity of the disease requires a shortcut, the FDA may use the
EUA. This requires a thorough review of submitted evidence analysis
from a phase 3 trial or an analysis that proves they have adequate
manufacturing capacity to ensure the vaccine quality, consistency,
and efficacy. To receive full approval, pharma must submit larger
studies and show data for a longer period of time. This is much more
rigorous and more costly.
By now, we all know that Merck's new brown pill, an antiviral
agent named molnupiravir, has received FDA approval. Merck partnered
with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics to produce this oral treatment,
replacing currently only iv treatments, not the preventive vaccine,
requires taking 2 pills several times daily for 5 days and costs
about half of what the iv treatments cost. many other pharmaceutical
companies are working on such treatments. This drug may be taken at
home. This drug cuts the risk of hospitalization and death by
50%. This drug may be a game changer.
Multiple studies have shown that Covid-19 causes an unusual
complication in as many as 1 out of 3 patients who recover from this
disease. Long Covid symptoms continue for 3 to 6 months post
infection. (I am working with 2 patients who have had their symptoms
for at least 8 months). Symptoms include shortness of breath,
cough, joint and muscle pain, abdominal distress, diarrhea,
brain fog, memory loss, sleep disturbances, fatigue, anxiety
and depression. Much research is being done everywhere on this
condition and yet we do not know why this happens. Research on data
from 81 million patients does show that 1 in 3 patients continued to
have at least 1 of these symptoms persist after 3 months. This
complication was higher in people who had more severe disease and
were more slightly common in women. It has occurred in mild and even
asymptomatic cases, and no difference was found between whites and
non-whites. A study from the UK on 1.24 million patients showed that
the odds of developing long covid about 5% after full vaccination.
Israel has reported several cases. I could find no good data
on the chances of long Covid happening after breakthrough Covid
infections. Kids can get this also. On 9/13 CDC defined long Covid,
long-haul Covid, chronic Covid, post Covid as “health problems that
last 4 or more weeks after first getting infected with the
coronavirus”. People affected with this may be eligible for rights
under the American Disability Act of 1990 (a great article in FORBES
magazine 9/13/21).
For some reason I cannot explain. In the USA we are paying no
attention to Natural Immunity. We are not accepting proof of natural
immunity, which means that you have developed immunity naturally
after surviving Covid-19 and can prove it with laboratory results.
An Israeli study shows that natural protection from the infection
gives a stronger response than full mRNA vaccine. Plus adding a
single Pfizer shot (a booster) gives super immunity. So there is the
question of whether those survivors actually need the 2 shots. There
is an argument with conflicting data on both sides as to which
immunity is stronger: natural or vaccine induced. Virologists know
that severe viral infection is associated with a strong antibody
response while less severe infection is associated with a T-cell
response. Before we had a Chicken Pox vaccine, we used to have
Chicken Pox in order to get over this disease. Yet in the USA
schools, colleges, municipalities as well as the Federal Government
do not accept proof of natural immunity.
• We know there
is a clear connection between disease and brain pathology. Also
there is preliminary evidence that even mild Covid disease can have
long term brain dysfunction and possibly neurologic deficits.
• Delirium is common after hospitalization for severe
disease. • Flu shots may be given at the same time as Covid
shots or boosters. • Monoclonal antibodies reduce Covid
hospitalizations and death by nearly 80%. • De Blasio
offered a $100 incentive for taking vaccine. • No
increase in miscarriage risk after Covid vaccine.
• Pregnant women pass high levels of antibodies to their
fetuses. CDC says Covid vaccine is safe for women who are pregnant,
breastfeeding or trying to conceive. • Microbes in your gut
affect your immune reaction to this virus… there is a potential for
future prevention or treatment. • Complications of nasal
swabbing reported on 1.6 million people in Sweden were 8 in total: 4
broken swabs and 4 minor bleedings. • Private insurance
carriers are considering financial changes in the future for Covid
related claims. • Even if no one else is wearing a mask, a
mask still can help protect you. • Covid Delta patients
have 2 times greater risk of hospitalization than with Alpha variant
patients • Over 11 million children’s routine vaccinations
were missed so far during the pandemic mostly because people stayed
away from medical facilities or clinics were closed.
• Unvaccinated teens were hospitalized 10 times more than
vaccinated teens. • Studies show that Covid-19 is highly
transmissible 2 days before and 3 days after symptom onset. (This
means before you know you are sick. Also remember lots of Covid
cases have no symptoms.) • Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide
directly or by nebulizers not only will not prevent or treat Covid
but it may injure your lungs permanently. • Remdesivir
reduces risk for hospitalization in high-risk
patients. • Ivermectin is a large animal (horses and cattle)
drug used for treating parasites. it was not made for human
consumption… doses are based on animal weight in tons not pounds.
Agricultural states are running out of this because it is being used
falsely to prevent and treat Covid in humans, who then frequently
have overdosing reactions serious enough to require hospitalization
(taking up beds in ICUs and regular wards). • Alaska,
Montana, and Idaho are rationing entry to hospitals because of lack
of beds. Doctors must decide who lives and who dies. • Masks do not
cause carbon dioxide poisoning. The Doctor in Oregon who flouted
this had his medical license revoked. • Newly discovered health
benefit of this vaccine is a positive mental health effect, while
the pandemic, itself, is causing anxiety, depression and other
negative mental health effects. • Delayed (2-12 days) local
skin reactions (COVID ARM) which occur most often from Moderna
vaccine is a delayed skin hypersensitivity and is not reason to
discontinue the series. • Moderna is now beginning phase
1and 2 studies on a mRNA seasonal Flu vaccine.
• Researchers are using mRNA technology to work on a new
vaccine for multiple sclerosis. • Covid-19 is killing rural
Americans at twice the rate of urban Americans.
• California announced the first state mandate requiring
all school children from elementary school through high school, both
public and private, to get the shots once the vaccine gets full
approval by the FDA for each age group.
In response to the 8/28 mandate that all persons working in NYC
schools must be vaccinated on 10/4 it was reported that 96-97% of
teachers have taken at least 1 shot.
• A preprint of a Canadian study on the cardiac side effects
of the vaccine leaked and hit the press. It contained a mathematical
error showing a high rate of myocarditis; it spread like California
wildfires via the anti-vaxxer movement; the retraction, of course,
was hardly seen; lots of good scientific educational damage was
done. Myocarditis remains a rare side effect. Still
Scandinavia suggesting that Moderna vaccine not be used for young
people (10/6) • It is 1 thing to argue, even emotionally
against mandates. I believe the following physical actions are not
okay: Anti-vaccine villagers in Guatemala held nurse hostage and
destroyed 50 doses of vaccine. Hundreds of US commercial flyers have
become violent injuring working airline flight attendants while in
the air because of the mask mandate. In Amador County, California a
fourth-grade student’s father punched and seriously hurt a teacher
over the mask mandate. • Both mRNA vaccines are effective
against Delta variants, but Moderna has maintained its full efficacy
by 9/23 while Pfizer has dropped from 91 to 77%. The Pfizer vaccine
elicits a “relatively slower” antibody response than Moderna. Both
are still excellent. • Unlike the flu which seemed mild last
winter, common colds persisted. Remember that having a common cold
makes you more resistant to catching Covid
infection. • Moderna is working to develop a single combined
shot booster for the Flu and Covid for the future using the mRNA
technology. • Shingles Vaccine has been shown to lower risk
for Covid disease diagnosis by 16 % and chances of hospitalization
by 32 %. (This has its basis in the fact that there is an innate
immune booster response from 1 virus protecting against another.)
• A 3D printed microneedle vaccine patch that outperforms
shots is being developed by scientists at Stanford University and
the U of North Carolina. • 5 countries report zero cases of
Covid: Turkmenistan, 3 isolated island countries in the Pacific and
of course North Korea. • Recent studies have shown that
cloth masks are not as effective as disposable paper surgical masks.
N95 is considered the most effective.
The US appears to be having fewer new cases of Covid although the
daily death rate still sits at around 1800. Dr. Fauci warns against
complacency. Winter with its cold weather might easily bring another
surge of new cases. Unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to
die Covid-19 than vaccinated people. A super study shows the
Covid vaccines have prevented nearly 140,000 US deaths
through May 2021. About 570,000 people had died of Covid in the US
by that time instead of the 709,000 predicted deaths in this study.
New York State was found by those researchers to have the greatest
reduction in deaths, 12 less per 10,000 people in the state (with a
population of 19.45 million, that figures to be 233,400 lives saved
in NYS). This study highlights in numbers the crucial role that
vaccines play. Covid vaccines work. The benefit overweighs the
risk. They cut the risk of transmitting Delta. Usually we produce
herd immunity against a virus at a rate of 70-75%. With Delta,
experts are saying we shall need 90%. vaccination rate.
Because of the unprecedented politicization of medical knowledge,
the continued disinformation attacks, the speed of viral mutations
and the mounting anti-science aggression, we all must try extra hard
to do all we can to see that our families, friends, and neighbors
get vaccinated.
Stay safe and be well.
Gerald Ente, MD Honorary Association Police Surgeon |

June 29,
The following article is from our Asociation Police Surgeon,
Gerald Ente MD
OF COVID-19 by
we enter the downslope of the Covid-19 pandemic, I think it is
important to write an update, a review, a piece with my opinions
about this pandemic. By 6/15/21, 20% of the world's population
had received at least 1 dose of the vaccine; 53% of Americans have
received 1 shot while 44% are fully vaccinated. The G7 meeting
concluded with a pledge of 1 billion doses to be given to poorer
countries; President Biden pledged 500 million doses of the Pfizer
vaccine to poorer countries. According to the NYTimes, we are
paying about $7 per dose. By that date, over 600,000 Americans have
died from this virus. Blacks account for about 15% of these deaths;
Hispanics account for about 19%; Asians about 4% and Whites about
61% according to Johns Hopkins University. Although these
percentages are not far off from the racial distribution of the
US, the deaths in the Blacks and Hispanics, however, occur in
younger age groups. Global death toll is about 3.8 million with
about 177 million cases reported.
us go to CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, which is our nation’s
leading health protection agency. Its’ mission is to save
lives and protect our people from threats to their health and
safety. CDC has always been considered top-notch, always
looked-up-to by the US as well as the world, always revered by
Public Health officials, American peoples and worldwide
agencies. Wherever in the world a medical threat arose, there
was CDC. In its hey-day, CDC, for example, was intimately
involved with the eradication of Smallpox worldwide, lowering the
devastating death rate that Malaria produced in Africa and the
recurring epidemics of Measles worldwide. To me, it seems that
the downfall began in the late 1970's during the Swine Flu epidemic
when a bunch of soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey died
unexpectedly. The Swine Flu epidemic then swept through the
country. Efforts with the vaccine program met with
failure. President Jimmy Carter fired the CDC director.
From that time on this Directorship became a political appointment
chosen by the President rather than a career civil servant
public health official chosen from within by their peers.
After that, the White House meddled with affairs of CDC, instructing
CDC in what to do and what not to do. This was magnified with the
entrance of Covid-19 where CDC hit bottom in my opinion. This
has necessitated a major rebuilding of the agency as well as its
reputation. This shall take time.
program is an initiative that aims to distribute the Covid-19
Vaccines equitably throughout the world to needy nations. It is
co-led by the WHO [World Health Organization], CEPI [Coalition for
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations] and GAVI [the Vaccine Alliance,
formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization]. They
plan to deliver free Covid vaccines to 20% of the population of the
poorest nations of the world. Global herd immunity cannot be
reached until the percentage of about 70-75% positives is reached
worldwide. Their plan is to deliver 2 billion vaccine doses
to the 92 poor countries by the end of 2021. Thus far, 50
nations are part of the giving group. (According to google,
there are 195 countries in the world.) Actually, thus far,
about 1.5 billion vaccine doses have been given globally with nearly
65% administered to the 20 richest countries. This is not
equitable. Several countries have not signed up with COVAX.
Cuba plans to use their own vaccines. Tanzania has refused vaccines
after a political leader had said that prayer has driven the virus
away. Haiti has refused to accept the Astra-Zeneca vaccine and so
remains the only country in the Western hemisphere to have ZERO
vaccinations. As of 6/21/21, COVAX has distributed 88 million doses
to more than 131 countries. Their problem has been supply of the
vaccines. The richer nations have bought up most of the available
supply. The Serum Institute of India, which manufactures the
Astra Zeneca vaccine and was to be the primary supplier for COVAX,
has had to use its resources to assist its own nation as their
numbers have skyrocketed. In the middle of May, the USA promised to
donate 80 million doses. On June 10 President Biden pledged to buy
500 million doses of Pfizer vax. Astra-Zeneca has planned to
give 60 million doses (not yet authorized for emergency in US).
Pfizer and BioNTech have pledged 1 billion doses in each of 2021 and
2022. COVAX has stated that they expect to deliver at least 2
billion doses by the end of 2021. MasterCard has just pledged
to give GAVI a donation of $25 million. It is my opinion that COVAX
will not meet their goal, I am sorry to say.
the fifth private company which has received major federal vaccine
support, announced that its 2-dose vaccine is safe and 90%
effective in adults. The vaccine is named NVX-CoV2373. Their
original study included 30,000 people over 18 years old across 119
sites in the US and Mexico. They had announced that a study in
the UK using 15,000 people was 96% effective while a study in South
Africa using 3000 people, was only 86% effective due to the
resistance of the local variant. Their vaccine is simple to
transport and store, requiring regular refrigeration only. They
plan to request emergency use authorization from the FDA in
September when they have pledged a 1.1billion dose vaccine
donation to COVAX. Their plan is to use their vaccine for
booster shots if/or when boosters become
necessary. Novavax is
a protein based vaccine, meaning that the proteins studded
throughout the virus are used to enter the human cells and teach the
cells to copy this protein, thus affording immunity.
special possible side-effect problem had arisen with the Pfizer and
Moderna (the 2 mRNA) vaccines. There is a statistical potential
linkage to 2 heart problems worthy of discussion. A small
number of young people, 226 thus far in the USA, have developed an
inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or an inflammation of
the membrane sac surrounding the heart (pericarditis), which usually
has been mild. This has occurred mostly in males, mostly in
athletes, mostly between the ages of 16 to 24 and mostly after the
2nd shot. Statistics from Israel show that this rare possible side
effect, if it really is a side effect, has a risk factor of 0.001%
(62 out of 5 million people). Israel data did, however, include
2 deaths in their study although the typical cases were mild and
required only 2-6 days of rest and supportive care in
hospital. Experts
state that the risk of myocarditis is far greater (a thousand-fold)
from the disease than from the vaccine. Many viruses cause
Also, several other vaccines are known to cause myocarditis.
In addition, the hospitalization rate for teens is rising at a
deeply concerning rate not only in the USA but internationally,
possibly due to increased transmission of the variants, possibly to
the extra-curricular activities like sports, or possibly due to the
life-style of adolescents and young adults. This is a "thorny
issue.” We need to weigh out the risk-benefit ratio...the
generally mild nature of Covid in healthy youths, the greater risk
of these heart problems from the disease than from the vaccine, the
need for the speedy herd immunity to prevent the resistant and
serious variants, the 2 deaths. Our experts have not yet reached a
decision..."thorny" indeed. The UK ministers have advised
against the mass vaccination of 12–15-year-olds. CDC is expected to
reach a decision about this in the near
World Health Organization (WHO) on May31 decided to change the
naming of the variants for simplification and so that there would be
no stigma given to the nation of origin of the variant (like the
Brazilian variant). They changed from an alphanumeric system
to the Greek alphabet They began with 10 variants only: 4 in
Variants Of Concern (VOC) which means that the WHO and CDC consider
these to increase transmissibility, increase virulence and interfere
with public health diagnosis, therapy or vaccines (this means that
these are a significant threat to the non-vaccinated); 6 in Variants
Of Interest (VOI), which means that they can form clusters and
appear in multiple nations (probably covered by our
Of Concern include:
B.1.1.7 originally found in the UK/Kent...listed on
B.1.351 originally found in South Africa... has at least 3 other
names...listed on 12/18/20
P.1 originally found in Brazil...listed on 1/11/21
B.1.617.2 originally found in India...listed on 5/11/21
Of Interest include:
B.1.427-B.1.429 first found in USA-California...listed on
P.2 first found in Brazil...listed on 3/17/21
B.1.528 first found in multiple nations...listed on
P.3 first found in Philippines....listed on 3/24/21
B.1.526 first found in USA--NYC...listed on 3/24/21
B.1.617.1first found in India...listed on 4/4/21
= C.37 first found in Peru...listed on 6/14/21
viruses will be given Greek alphabet names as they become of concern
or interesting. Presently in the USA, Delta variant is
responsible for about 10% of our cases (it increased from 6% to 10%
in 1 week) but there is fear that this may become our predominant
strain shortly. This is where the race of mass vaccinations is
important. Delta is 50% more contagious, is more virulent and
now is considered a virus of concern by CDC, which means that it is
possibly resistant. A study in the UK showed that the Pfizer
vaccine was 88% effective, and the Astra-Zeneca vax was 60%
effective against Delta (significant), which has been found in 80
countries. The Delta variant is now the most prevalent in Moscow,
where we are told that their case numbers have tripled in the past 2
weeks. All 4 vaccines used in the US are somewhat effective to
the variants at present. Alpha is highly transmissible,
affects the younger group, and requires more oxygen, but there is a
question about how lethal it is. Alpha is now the most common in the
US. Gamma is the second most common. Beta was found to break through
full Pfizer vaccinated Israelis. In other studies, the Pfizer vax
was found to be only 33% effective after 1 shot while increasing its
effectiveness to 90% after 2 doses against most variants. In
Florida, it has been shown that Hispanics are hit the hardest by the
variants. As India is near drowning with Delta, a new 'double
mutation' has been found. It is a combination of the Beta, the Gamma
and the Epsilon variants. Remember, viruses mutate rapidly so
these aberrations can and do happen. These combinations can become
catastrophic. The importance of speed for an effective vaccination
rate locally, nationally, and globally cannot be overstated.
Early speed is the best tool for fighting a pandemic.
in Finland show that the vaccine has an indirect effect of
protecting non-vaccinated household members of the vaccinated
person. They studied healthcare workers who received the
vaccine at the beginning of the epidemic and found that both mRNA
vaccines caused an immune response in their family members living in
the same household. An Israeli study also showed
cross-protection from the vaccine that they were using - the Pfizer
vaccine. They showed that for every 20-point increase in adult
vaccination rates in a community, the risk of kids testing positive
(getting sick) drops in half. They also show that people getting
only 1 shot and then getting sick with this virus have smaller viral
loads, which means that they are less transmissible. This
cross-protection provides proof that vaccinated people provide
protection to the unvaccinated people in their community. This
is important for the consideration of herd immunity. This type of
study is being done in many European countries.
was the third leading cause of death in the USA in 2020.
US administered its 300 millionth vaccine shot on
goal in the USA is for 70% of adults to receive at least 1 shot by
Pfizer vaccine no longer needs special deep freezing.
report more side effects from vaccines than men.
now have been trained to "sniff out" the diagnosis of Covid with 96%
of the 2nd Pfizer shot by 3 months compared to 3 weeks allots a
greater immunologic responses. Remember, Canada did this
attempting to vaccinate more people faster without this
knowledge and they turned out to be lucky.
studies show that people who never wear masks are twice as likely to
get infected as those who always wear masks...interestingly wearing
masks also protects against the Flu.
and hospital systems are mandating vaccines for their employees...a
hospital in Houston, Texas fired 178 of their employees who refused
vaccines...those employees sued the hospital...A Federal judge ruled
against the employees.
is milder than primary infection.
milk does not spread this infection...Covid vaccines produce full
immune responses and are safe for pregnant and lactating women. In
spite of this just 16% of American pregnant women have received
vaccines according to CDC on 6/15/21. A US study of both mRNA
vaccines showed that women receiving the vaccine during their 3rd
trimester produced a strong immune response and were likely to
transfer antibodies to their babies. This disease increases the risk
to pregnant women for preterm delivery to 60% as well as for
pre-eclampsia to 76%...non-brainer to
NAILS are a new sign that a person has recovered from this
infection...2 separate findings...a reddish half-moon pattern
appearing above the normal half-moon at the base of each nail...or a
horizontal line or depression above the normal white half-moon at
the base of the nail occurring weeks to months after the
infection. These are proof positive of having recovered from
Covid-19. The normal white half-moon is called lanula.
people admitted to hospital after the vaccine [within 1-2 weeks]
were actually infected before they received the vaccine + before
immunity could develop...CDC finds that less than 1% of fully
vaccinated people become infected.
researchers have shown that the rhinovirus, the most common cause of
our colds, protects against Covid-19 as well as the Flu.
from Miami showed that sperm are not affected by the
government plans to invest $3.2 billion to develop
anti-Covid-19 oral preventive pills
has 2 inactivated virus vaccines in use throughout the world
(Sinopharm +Sinovac). Chinese CDC says that they "don't have a high
protection rate".
rate was less than 1% after recovery from severe infection in
studies before variants became more common.
close contacts have been reported to become positive in 2/3rds of
laboratory confirmed cases as of 5/17/21.
with high levels of ACE-2 (a biomarker of cardiovascular disease) in
their blood are more likely to get severe infection.
show that people trust their personal doctors more than other
scientific or governmental sources.
studies show the vaccines are safe for people with chronic
inflammatory conditions, immunosuppressive conditions and therapies
but they may not mount a good immunologic response. So,
it is worth it to get a follow up blood test after 3
outside with only a gentle breeze is over 100 times more effective
for disbursing the virus as in an office and over 1000 times
better than in most homes. Studies show that only 1 case in a
1000 is linked to outside transmission. These viral droplets are
dissipated in the air and deactivated by normal ultraviolet
radiation, heat and humidity. Therefore, masks are not routinely
needed outside as long a physical distancing of 3 feet is
in10 healthcare professionals say that they are considering leaving
their fields due to the stress of the pandemic. During the first 1
year of the pandemic more than 3,600 US healthcare workers have
died. 96% of physicians in USA are fully vaccinated.
study done in Spain, in an attempt to assess the risk at mass
gatherings, was done using about 1000 people at a 5 hour indoor
concert under strict safety measures wearing N95 masks and other
full preventive measures. It showed no participants got
sick. Similar studies are being done in other European
is a possible link with these vaccines and tinnitus, which is
constant sound in the ear. About 1 in 2,500 adults getting the
vaccine have reported this.
disease with fever and oxygen therapy may be responsible for the
loss of gray matter in the brain according to a study from the
Georgia Institute of Technology.
with autism and ADHD are capable of wearing masks according to the
of the vaccines is now acceptable. Spanish studies show that
Astra-Zeneca following Pfizer is safe and effective. (this was
Fungus", an invasive, normally rare skin fungus infection is
appearing more commonly now in India after recovery from the virus
in people whose immune systems were damaged and were treated with
steroids. Remember it is a small world today.
women have a higher death rate here than renin other racial
There are many more topics I would like to discuss but time
and space prevent this now. Some of these are: passports, hesitancy,
airborne transmission, emergency use vs. full use, future pandemic,
blood clot issue, treatments, medical vs. political issues, origin,
split states and nations, boosters, payments for vaccine and long
haul. Perhaps at a
future date these will be attended to.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said “The greatest
medicine of all is teaching people not to use it.”
prevention, vaccination, hand washing, masking, social distancing
when needed, these are what we can do, what we must do and, I hope
what we shall do.
Remember, when you get a vaccine, you help yourself as well
as your communities.
well and be safe. |

April 29,
From Lou Hollander keystonecop1@verizon.net
This is the update from Errol from the SBA regarding
Emblem/GHI. I’m pleased to say that 64 new doctors have been
already accepted since the Emblem Panel has been reopened. The
PBA and DEA MLC liaisons, Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Russo, were involved
in having Emblem health reopen its panels as well. This
is a group effort now between all three police unions. A
special thanks to all three men for their efforts in helping us
retirees. Negotiations are still going on and I will
post all info that I receive as I receive it. Bill McMahon
Bill, This is from an email from Emblem Health outlining
instructions to nominate a provider for participation in the Emblem
Health network. We also requested and received a roster of GHI
CBP Participating Providers and geo-search matching Florida plan
participants to providers within 10 miles of their zip code. We
found fault in this analysis as it used a provider list that was not
updated nor verified. We therefore requested a complete audit
of providers -in fact status verifying their "active" participation
in the GHI CBP networks and acceptance of new patients. We
believe if we verify what we currently have and work with members to
aggressively add providers we can have a vibrant network of
providers in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina amongst
other regions. FYI Errol Gentlemen, I have the
following information regarding adding providers to the Florida,
North Carolina, South Carolina Emblem Health in network
medical panels. We are pleased to announce that the process for
GHI non-Medicare retirees nominating doctors with the intention of
being added as CBP participating providers, has been restored as of
EmblemHealth’s Customer Service, Provider Network and Grievance
& Appeals advocates (representatives) have been informed that
the network is in fact, open for provider nominations; letters will
no longer state the network is closed.
Members who wish to nominate their provider may contact EmblemHealth
via telephone or email. If an Emblem advocate receives a call from a
CNY PPO (GHI) Retiree member requesting information on how to
nominate their provider for participation, advocates
Confirm the member is an active CNY PPO Retiree plan
Obtain the following
Provider’s full name
Email the information to cityofnyretireesprovidernomination@emblemhealth.com
If a member sends the request via a secure email from the portal,
the correspondence advocate
Review the request to ensure all the necessary information has been
provided, see above
If so, will forward the request to cityofnyretireesprovidernomination@emblemhealth.com
If the request has incomplete provider information, a reply will be
emailed to the member requesting the additional
Advocates will not send a letter to a CNY Retiree member
indicating that their network is closed. If an Out of Network
Provider calls requesting to join the CBP network, they will be
directed to the EmblemHealth website, Provider Resources > Join
Our Network page to access the Provider Credentialing Form:
https://www.emblemhealth.com/providers/resources/join-our-network 3.
Below are the updates implemented on our City of NY micro-site page
On the member CBP page we posted Nominate Your Providers!
Did you know that the EmblemHealth CBP Network is open to new
providers? If you are a City of New York retiree who does not have
Medicare, you can ask us to invite your doctor into our network. The
process is simple—just send us an email to cityofnyretireesprovidernomination@emblemhealth.com
and include the following information so we can reach
out: •
Full name of the provider you’re
nominating •
name •
person •
Address •
# •
We can’t guarantee that they will join the network, but we will
reach out to them on your behalf and offer them an invitation.
2. On the provider Join Our Networks page, we edited the copy to
reflect this specific situation Joining EmblemHealth HIP and
GHI To join the GHI PPO or EmblemHealth EPO/PPO National Network,
please make sure you have reviewed the “Credentialing EmblemHealth
Applicants” section above. Our network in Florida is closed
except for our CBP network* (non-Medicare City of New York
retirees), primary care physicians, cardiologists, orthopedic
surgeons and any provider that is joining a group that is already
participating with EmblemHealth. The network outside of New York,
New Jersey, Connecticut and Florida is currently closed unless the
provider is joining a participating group. To join the GHI PPO or
EmblemHealth EPO/PPO National Network, please make sure you have
reviewed the “Credentialing EmblemHealth Applicants” section
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Our CBP Network, which primarily serves City of
New York non-Medicare retirees, remains open to new providers.
Members can nominate their provider for entry, and providers can
submit applications for their practice(s.

April 12,
Our Honorary Association Police Surgeon, Gerald Ente
MD, has prepared an updated article regarding the latest
COVID-19 pandemic and vaccinations. It can be viewed HERE |

March 22,
With much thanks
to our Association's Honorary Police Surgeon Gerald Ente
OF MINE! By: Arnaldo Liechtenstein, Physician
Whenever I teach clinical medicine to students in the fourth
year of Medicine, I ask the following question: " What are the
causes of mental confusion in the elderly?" Some offer:
"Tumors in the head". I answer: No! Others suggest:
"Early symptoms of Alzheimer's". I answer again: No! With each
rejection of their answers, their responses dry up. And they are
even more open-mouthed when I list the three most common causes:
uncontrolled diabetes, urinary infection, and dehydration. It may
sound like a joke, but it isn't. People over 60 generally stop
feeling thirsty and consequently stop drinking fluids.
When no one is around to remind them to drink fluids,
they quickly dehydrate. Dehydration is severe and affects the entire
body It may cause abrupt mental confusion, a drop in blood pressure,
increased heart palpitations, angina (chest pain), coma and even
death. *This habit of forgetting to drink fluids begins
at age 60, when we have just over 50% of the water we should have in
our bodies. People over 60 have a lower water reserve. This is part
of the natural aging process.* But there are more complications.
Although they are dehydrated, they don't feel like drinking water,
because their internal balance mechanisms don't work very well.
Conclusion: People over 60 years old dehydrate easily,
not only because they have a smaller water supply, but also because
they do not feel the lack of water in the body.
Although people over 60 may look healthy, the
performance of reactions and chemical functions can damage their
entire body. So here are two alerts: 1)
*Get into the habit of drinking liquids*. Liquids include water,
juices, teas, coconut water, milk, soups, and water-rich fruits,
such as watermelon, melon, peaches and pineapple; Orange and
tangerine also work. *The important thing is that, every two hours,
you must drink some liquid.
Remember this!*
2) Alert for family
members: constantly offer fluids to people over 60. At the same
time, observe them. If you realize that they
are rejecting liquids and, from one day to the next, they are
irritable, breathless or display a lack of attention, these are
almost certainly recurrent symptoms of dehydration.
Inspired to drink more water now??? Your friends
and family need to know for themselves and help you to be healthier
and happier.
UPDATE by Gerald Ente, MD
Johnson & Johnson
As the USA
death toll passed 500,000 [worldwide 2.5million], this was a perfect
time for the FDA to give emergency use authorization to the new
vaccine by Johnson & Johnson [ChAdOx1 nov-19{AZD1222}]. An
addition to our present 2 working vaccines, both of which require 2
doses and complicated freezing, this vaccine is a single dose and
can be kept in a standard refrigerator for a 6-month
This is
good news. It gives a major boost to our national vaccine
shortage. According to
a major Public Health expert, we need to give 3 million doses of
vaccine daily to get ahead of the rapidly spreading virus. As of today, we are at 1.8
million, but our supply is short. To assist with speedy increased
manufacture, Merck & Co. has joined with its competitor J&J
to expand speedy production.
The new
vaccine may be given to any person over 18 years of age. The side
effect profile is similar to the others. A major advantage is that
it may be kept in a standard refrigerator for up to 6 months. It
becomes effective after 28 days. It has been used in the UK for many
months. Its efficacy
rate averages about 65% overall, 72% in the USA, to prevent
have 2 effects. One is to prevent the disease and the other is to
prevent the serious effects of a disease, such as death,
hospitalization or complications like lung, heart, kidney, etc.
disease. From my point of view, this new J&J vaccine meets the
main purpose of this vaccine, which is to prevent serious damage.
50% of people who contact the disease are asymptomatic
that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are both mRNA types. This one
from J&J is different. It is an adenovirus-replication-deficient
type of vaccine. The adenovirus is extremely common causing lots of
upper respiratory infections (colds), so that most of us already
have immunity to it. Replication is the act of copying or
reproducing something. So, here, they are letting the COVID-19 virus
ride along with the adenovirus to which we are already immune. It is
tricking our immune systems. This is the fourth adenovirus -based
vaccine. These are now being used in 70 countries throughout the
world. Although this is the first adenovirus-based vaccine approved
in the USA, it has been successfully used against the Ebola virus
and has been approved in Europe.
vaccine, called a vector type of vaccine, uses a common human
adenovirus as its vector, namely adenovirus 26 [Ad26], similar to
the Sputnik vaccine used in Russia. Remember last time we mentioned
that the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which probably will be available in
the USA available next month, uses a chimpanzee adenovirus.
Researchers try to use a virus which is common to a community so
that there is immunity to the virus they choose as a vector
[carrier]. Most often this vector is the adenovirus. Next, the
researchers render the Adenovirus 26 replication-deficient, meaning
that they make it so that it cannot reproduce in the vaccine
recipient, by removing the 2 genes necessary for reproduction. Then
they replace those with the gene, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,
which they plan to use. Now, to be successful, the vaccine needs its
virus to be able to copy itself in large volumes. To do this,
J&J chose embryonic cell lines from human embryonic retinal
cells. The Catholic church made a statement about this
Once the
vaccine enters the muscle cells in the arm of the recipient, the
infected muscle cells, and the immune system cells, both produce
spike protein by activation of the immune system by the [impotent]
adenovirus. Unlike the 2 other mRNA vaccine, this adenovirus
vaccines uses a DNA pathway because when the DNA-based adenovirus
vector enters our cells, it immediately proceeds to the cell nucleus
where it serves as a blueprint to produce the mRNA of the SARS-CoV-2
which is then released into the cytoplasm of the cell. Finally, this guides the
production of the coronavirus spike protein, which ultimately causes
our immune system to create immunity. So now you see why you may get
a red, tender, and swollen and you may get tired and perhaps have a
fever...lots going on here...maybe too much information, but this is
how the new vaccine works. This process cannot cause any genetic
In general, vaccines prevent 2-3 million deaths per
year...vaccines saved 37 million lives from 10 diseases from 2000 to
2019. •
In February, Black and Hispanic Medicare recipients were less
accepting of COVID-19 vaccine because of trust issues. •
In March, White Republicans were found to be largest group of
anti-vaxxers.[possibly related to the fact that ex-President Trump
and wife secretly were vaccinated in December 2020.] •
About 1/3 in the USA are anti-vaxxers. •
President Biden says we shall have enough vaccines by the end
of May for every adult American. •
Second vaccine shot may have more side effects because
recipient now has some immunity. •
New Pfizer vaccines may be kept in a standard freezer rather
than ultra-low-degree [-95] freezer for 2 weeks. •
Pfizer and Moderna vaccines now are more effective against
known variants than earlier vaccines. •
None of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines can cause COVID-19
illness. They are not live vaccines. •
After receiving full doses of these vaccines, you will not
test positive for a COVID-19 viral test. [you develop immunity not
disease]. •
After receiving full doses of these vaccines, you should
still follow all original precautions-masks, distancing, washing,
After receiving full doses of these vaccines, it is
recommended that you follow all quarantine regulations. •
Even after having the disease, you still DO NEED to take the
vaccine because you can't be sure of the quality of your
immunity...vaccine yields a stronger protection than
Smokers [and ex-smokers] are on the priority list because
smoking damages lungs causing them to end up in hospital with
COVID-19. •
COVID-19 vaccines may lower transmission of
disease. •
Even if you are 1 of the 50% of recipients who experience no
side-effects you are still about 94% protected. •
After only 1 shot of Pfizer vaccine, you will have 92.6%
efficacy; after 1 of Moderna you will have 92.1%; BUT it will not
persist...the job of the 2nd shot is to act as a booster and prolong
the efficacy...there is data that you can put off 2nd shot about 50
days but no good data after that. •
'COVID zero' will not happen. Experts agree that COVID-19
will probably become endemic. [will remain prevalent in an
area. •
Herd immunity will have a 70-80% positivity rate.
WHO states that a person can be reinfected with a COVID
variant after having successfully recovered from COVID
After a year of good data showing that wearing masks is an
effective tool, it is not surprising that masks do reduce the number
of COVID hospitalizations. There is also excellent data that masks
and social distancing are associated with a large reduction in
influenza cases and influenza prescriptions [my personal
observation] during the flu season. What is surprising to me is that
a Walmart security guard can end up in the hospital after being
beaten up over a mask dispute or that a Tulane police officer was
SHOT DEAD after a mask dispute at a high school basketball game.
Wearing a mask is a medical protective issue, not a political
issue. Presently,
CDC showed wearing of 2 masks stops about 80% viral size particles
[1 cloth over 1 surgical mask]. Dr. Fauci has said that masks will
probably still be necessary in 2022.
Risk of death is 3.5 higher from COVID-19 than from
Influenza. •
Men are 20% more likely to die from COVID-19 than women.
There is a fundamental genetic and cellular difference. •
Texas, Mississippi, Montana, Iowa, and N. Dakota have lifted
their mask requirements despite rising numbers. •
Mortality incidence overall in household contacts is about
10%. •
Comorbidities' of this pandemic are partner violence, child
violence, divorce and suicide. •
Schizophrenia adults with COVID have a higher
mortality. •
Dry cleaning kills COVID on clothing. The heat in the
process, not the chemicals is effective. •
Loss of smell and taste occurs in 86% of mild cases in 1
study. i do not agree
with this.
Not only
is COVID-19 a new disease, but after 1 year, the world experts are
still learning about it. COVID-19 keeps mutating, keeps changing the
rules, keeps causing illness, devastation and death. We keep
enlarging our armamentarium in our fight with vaccines, new
vaccines, and medications.
We must continue with our
basic tools, including masks, hand washing and social distancing.
Even Dolly Parton sings "Everybody should get the vaccine." Any
vaccine you get will do a great job for you and everyone else.
Stay safe and stay
Doc Ente |

January 12,
2021 COVID
There are 2 ways to gain immunity to the new Coronavirus,
SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes the disease Covid-19. You
can “catch” it [and either have no symptoms or be sick] or you
can be immunized with the vaccine. Here, we shall talk about the
ABOUT DNA and RNA The disease Covid-19 is caused by an
RNA virus. Let’s define DNA and RNA. DNA is present and the
main constituent in chromosomes as a double helix [a twisted
ladder]. It is the carrier of genetic material. Most
viruses are DNA. RNA, also present in all living cells, is
a shorter single helix and acts mainly as a messenger from DNA in
controlling the manufacture of proteins. Particularly in this virus
the RNA carries the genetic material. Almost all
previous vaccines have been DNA type. This one is different.
HIV and RSV in infants are examples of other RNA viruses. We have
not previously made a successful large scale RNA vaccine.
ABOUT VACCINES A vaccine is a compound made
specially to stimulate production of antibodies which produce
immunity to the specific disease without becoming sick from that
disease. Vaccines against Covid-19, in conjunction with the
basic anti-Covid-19 measures, are the best way to end this
Although there are about 11 vaccines in the hopper, only 2
are available in the USA at present. The Pfizer and the Moderna
vaccines both have been granted emergency use authorization by our
FDA. Both are mRNA [messenger RNA] vaccines. A third vaccine by
Astra-Zeneca is being used in Europe, but has not yet been approved
for use in the USA. The EU has contracted a total of 6
vaccines. These vaccines do not contain live virus.
You cannot get Covid-19 or any other disease from these vaccines.
This is not possible. There is no tracking chip in the vaccines.
ABOUT PFIZER VACCINE The Pfizer vaccine, made with
their German partner BioNTech, which may be given to anyone over 16
years, requires 2 doses given 21 days apart. It has a 40-50%
efficacy rate starting after 8 days and a 95% efficacy staring 7
days after the second shot. The downside of this vaccine is that it
must be kept at -95F in transit as well as in storage. This
requires special freezing equipment. In the key
double-blinded study of 44,000, only 94 individuals became sick and
of those 90% were in the placebo [no active ingredients]
group. this study will not be complete until 164 positive
cases are included in the results. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
uses RNA genetic molecule to cause our own cells to make a protein
called a spike or S protein. Then our immune system encounters
this protein and produces antibodies and immune cells that can
recognize the protein quickly and then deliver a swift attack
against the virus when it is met.
ABOUT MODERNA VACCINE Moderna’s vaccine, a.k.a.
mRNA-1273, is given to people older than18 years, and it also shows
a 90-95% efficacy after the 2 dose regimen, given 28 days apart.
THE PROPER TIME INTERVAL because they work differently. In
the key study of over 30,000 participants, mean age 51.4 years,
including many predisposing medical conditions, more than 96%
completed the 2 doses, symptomatic Covid-19 was confirmed in the
placed group and only 11 in the active group, showing an efficacy of
94.1%. Keep in mind, these data are only short term. We need
to see how long this level of efficacy persists. Both the
Pfizer and Moderna vaccine send a message to our cells to produce a
harmless piece of the S protein [remember the spike on the outside
of the virus] which our immune system recognizes as foreign and
creates antibodies, building an immune response. These both are mRNA
vaccines. The mRNA in these vaccines is synthetic, made
from chemicals to look like normal RNA but modified slightly to
increase its stability. No viral component is used to make this
vaccine. The mRNA is delivered in a small sphere of inert fatty
material, which is then suspended in saline solution and injected
into the muscle of the arm.
approved the use of Oxford University/Astra-Zeneca Vaccine in Europe
for people over 18 years of age. This also is a 2 -dose vaccine to
be given 4-12 weeks apart. The beauty of this is that needs to
be kept at 35.6F to 46.4F, which is the same as regular refrigerator
and may be kept refrigerated for 6 months. This is a viral vector
vaccine. It retools a chimpanzee adenovirus, which was chosen hoping
that people would not be immune to it or that could cause a reaction
in itself. They make a weakened version of this virus and
insert some genetic material from the virus that causes Covid-19,
into it. Once inside, the plan is for our cells make a protein
unique to the COVID-19 virus, make copies of it and fool our body to
make an immune response [giant macrophages, B and T-lymphocytes]
which will remember how to fight that virus in the future if we
become infected.
ABOUT SIDE EFFECTS Side effects are effects which
may possibly happen but are not the sought aftereffects. These
Covid-19 vaccines cause the routine mild side effects seen with most
vaccines. • Pain, redness, soreness at injection
site • Low grade fever •
Fatigue • Headache, nausea or
vomiting • Chills •
Rash • Muscle or joint pain After receiving the
vaccine, it is recommended that you are to be observed for 10-15
minutes to ensure that there is no immediate severe allergic
reaction, like anaphylaxis, which will be immediately treated. The
minor side effects listed above typically occur within the first 2
or 3 days and last for 1-2 days. These effects indicate that the
inflammatory process is occurring. They actually indicate that the
vaccine is working. The immune response involves some degree
of inflammation and these short-term side effects are merely the
signs of inflammation. so actually, they are not bad. They are
expected. Most studies show 5-15% chance of these side
effects. Oftentimes these effects are worse after the second
muscular injection. The safety of the vaccines has been
rigorously studied. Although “Warp Speed” had increased the
speed of research, development and manufacture, the safety trials
went through routine FDA phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 trials, where
tens of thousands of people, teens and elders, healthy and frail,
were included. Possible long term side effects have yet to be
studied because the rush to stop the pandemic has not permitted long
term study yet.
Everyone older than 18 years
old. Elderly people and those with
underlying medical condition may get the vaccine. People
who have recovered from the disease.
previous severe allergic reaction to this vaccine. Anyone
who has had previous severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in
this vaccine. Anyone who is pregnant, or breast feeding,
should discuss this with her physician. Children under 18
years of age. Anyone who has an acute
illness. Anyone exposed to COVID-19 should wait out the
quarantine period.
ABOUT HERD IMMUNITY Dr Anthony Fauci estimates that
80-85% of Americans need to be vaccinated for us to reach herd
immunity. Most other experts have said that 70-75%, which is similar
to most other diseases, should suffice.
Multiple layers or protection, like layers of slices of
cheese, are needed to stop the spread of Covid-19 and finally end
this pandemic. No individual layer is perfect, including the
vaccine. Each layer has holes in it. When the holes are
aligned, disease occurs. [you can see why this is called “the swiss
cheese model”.] Now, if when we combine several layers -
masks, social distancing, hand-washing, testing, tracing, outdoor
small groups, indoor ventilation, education, and vaccines - we can
significantly reduce the overall risk of infection and bring an end
to this pandemic. One out of every 1.000 Americans alive at
the beginning of 2020 has died of Covid-19 by the year’s end.
Experts tell us that all these things will be required to produce
the desired result, not just any one modality. But, remember that
there is no positive effect of the vaccine if you do not take
it. We can do it. We must do it.
by Gerald Ente,
MD Retirees Association Honorary Police Surgeon
