May 3, 2018


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Section 1.   The name of this association shall be the New York City Retired Transit Police Officers' Association. Inc.

Section 2.   The object of the association is to enhance pension benefits and to better  conditions of the members fraternally, socially and financially.

Section 3.   The means to be employed to further these ends shall be:

          a.)  Hold meetings for the discussion of and presentation of facts concerning the organization.

          b.)  To advise all members of the association in matters concerning pension, and retirement benefits, and employment opportunities.


Section 1: The following lists the guidelines for membership in the New York City Retired Transit Police Officers' Association, Inc.

       a.)  Any sworn police officer retired from the Uniformed Force of the New York City Transit Police Department.

       b.)  Any sworn police officer retired from the Uniformed Force of the New York City Police Department who was in service with the Uniformed Force of the New York City Transit Police Department and remained in service after the merger of the two departments.

       c.)  Any member attaining the age of seventy-five (75) and having been a member in good standing for three years, shall be a lifetime member.  Past Presidents shall also be lifetime members.

       d.)  The Executive Board may, from time to time, induct any other person as an Honorary Lifetime member.  Honorary Lifetime members can not vote or hold elected office.


Section 1.   The executive board shall establish dues.

Section 2.

       a.)  Any member of the association in arrears in the payment of dues and/or assessments in excess of three (3) months shall be deemed a member not in good standing and said member shall not be eligible for any benefits and/or services derived from the association.

       b.)  A member who is not in good standing, in order to attain good standing, shall pay current dues and/or assessments.

       c.)   Upon attaining good standing the member shall regain all privileges he would have accumulated had he remained a member in good standing during his or her delinquency.

Section 3.   A member not in good standing, who after being notified in writing by the Financial Secretary or an Officer acting for him, does not pay his back dues in order to attain good standing and remains in arrears in excess of five (5) months, shall be deemed a non-member of the association.

Section 4.  A member of the association who becomes a non-member under Article 3, Section 3 may, at a later date, become a member of the association by paying his or her past dues.


Section 1.   The President or the Executive Secretary must sign all official communications and documents, except ordinary correspondence, which in no way binds the association.

Section 2.   All financial transactions shall bear the signature of two of the following officers; the President, a Vice President, the Financial Secretary or the Treasurer.  Any single expense in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) must have the approval of the general membership.


Section 1.   The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the association.

Section 2.   The officers of the Executive Board of this association shall be elected for a two-year term.  They shall be as follows:

  •      President

  •      1st Vice President

  •      2nd Vice President

  •      Executive Secretary

  •      Recording Secretary

  •      Financial Secretary

  •      Treasurer

Other designated positions shall be appointed by the President and hold office during the tenure of the President.

Section 3.   Nominations for elected office shall be every second year at the September and October general membership meetings.

Section 4.   Any person wishing to be nominated for elected office must be a member in good standing for a period of two (2) years prior to his or her nomination and have attended three (3) regular scheduled meetings of the association during the period twelve months prior to nominations.

Section 5.   A candidate must have one vote more than fifty percent (50%) of the ballots cast to win election.  In the event this does not happen, the two candidates with the highest number of votes shall be in a run-off election.

Section 6.   All disputes in an election shall be settled by the Election Committee and their decision will be final.

Section 7.   All officers shall take office on the 1st day of January and shall continue in office until the 31st day of December of the second year after their election.

Section 8.   The election of officers shall be by secret ballot and said election shall be held on or about November 15th in the 2nd year, unless they run unopposed.  Then a vote at a regular meeting is sufficient.

Section 9.   All elected officers shall be inducted into office before the close of business of the December general membership meeting.

Section 10.  An officer may succeed himself as many times as he is elected to office.

Section 11.  

            a.)  In the event that the office of President becomes vacant, the 1st Vice President shall act in that capacity for the remainder of the term of office.  He or she shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the office of the President of the association.

            b.)  The President shall have the right and the power, in the event of a vacancy in any of the elected offices, to designate a qualified and competent member in good standing, to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.  Such member must meet the requirements as set forth under Article V, Section 4.

Section 12.   Any officer failing to perform the duties of his office shall be recalled from said office by a majority vote at a regular meeting.  Any member may be suspended or expelled from the association, for cause, by a majority vote at a regular meeting. These proceedings shall take place, after recommendations from the Executive Board or by twenty-five members, in good standing, present at a regular meeting recommending it, and accepted by a majority vote at a regular meeting.

Section 13.   An officer of this association, or any member thereof, shall deliver to his successor, all books, papers, monies and all other property in his possession belonging to the association at the termination, in any manner, of his office or his membership.


Section 1.   The president shall supervise all affairs of the association and shall preside at all association meetings and meetings of the Executive Board.  He shall appoint, and also be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Executive Board.

Section 2.   The President and Financial Secretary shall approve all bills and vouchers the Executive Board has authorized for payment.

Section 3.   The President shall select an auditor, said auditor not to be an officer or a member of the Executive Board, who shall audit the books of the association annually and at any time the office of anyone required to keep the books shall become vacant.  The President shall also perform all other duties that are usual to his or her office.

Section 4.   The duties of the 1st Vice President shall be to assist the president in conducting all meetings, and in the absence of the President he or she shall take the President's place.  He or she shall carry on such other duties that are usual to his office or that are delegated to him or her by the President.

Section 5.   The duties of the 2nd Vice President shall be to act in the same capacity as the 1st Vice President, in his or her absence, and to perform any other duties assigned to him or her by the President of the association.

Section 6.   The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be to act as the Secretary at all meetings of the association and keep written records thereof.  He or she shall have charge of, and keep in his or her possession, all documents, records, papers, etc., except the records of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer.  He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 7.   The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be to handle all communications, letters, etc. of the association.  He or she shall keep a complete and concise record of all such correspondence.  It shall be his or her duty to notify all concerned of association meetings, as to the time, place and the business of said meeting.

Section 8.   The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be to keep a concise record of all association income and also to assist the Treasurer in the discharge of the duties of his or her office.

Section 9. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

            a.)  To receive all monies, in connection with association business, and, as soon as possible, deposit same in a reputable New York State or United States chartered bank, in the name of the association.

            b.)  The Treasurer shall be authorized by the Executive Board to deposit surplus monies in other responsible depositories.  He or she shall give a receipt for all funds turned over to him or her, and he or she shall keep a true and complete record of all monies received and expended.  He or she shall pay all bills by check, except those bills less than ten dollars ($10.00).

            c.)  In the event an officer, or a member authorized by the association, to act for the association, incurs expenses, the Treasurer shall reimburse him or her from the general fund, after the Executive Board recommends such payment.

            d.)  The Treasurer shall establish and be the custodian of The Petty Cash Fund, and it shall amount to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00). 

            e.)  The Treasurer shall prepare a financial statement with the assistance of the Financial Secretary, and submit such statement to the Executive Board once every three (3) months.  He or she shall perform all other duties that are usual to his or her office.

            f.)  The Treasurer shall establish a fund for the payment of dues, for those members who are qualified, under the provisions of Article II, Section 1, c.).


Section 1.   Any member of the association in good standing may propose amendments to this by-law.  Such proposed amendment, must be in writing, and must be left with the Recording Secretary, who shall submit same to the next Executive Board meeting.

Section 2.   A proposed amendment, if approved by the Executive Board, or by a petition signed by twenty-five (25) members in good standing, present at a general membership meeting, and delivered to the recording secretary. This petition must be approved by a majority of the membership at the next two general membership meetings, as a matter to be placed on a ballot for the membership to vote on.  If two thirds (2/3) of the members of the association, returning their ballots, cast their vote in favor of the amendment, such amendment shall become part of the association's by-laws. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to notify all members of any new amendments and the effective dates thereof.

Section 3.   Upon all matters, that a member is eligible to vote, such member shall have one full vote.

Section 4.   Elections:  The Executive Board shall supervise and have charge of the details in connection with all elections and balloting, and insure the secrecy of all votes cast by members and make appropriate provisions towards that end.


Section 1.  The property and funds of this association shall remain the property of said association, so long as fifty (50) members in good standing so desire.

Section 2.  This association may affiliate with any other organization whenever it shall be to the best interest of the members.  However, no such affiliation shall in any way affect these by-laws, unless it is so voted by it in the manner provided for amending these by laws.


Section 1.  Regular meetings of this association shall be held periodically throughout the year, except during the months of July and August.  Robert's Rules of Order shall be used as a guide for these meetings, unless otherwise specified in these by-laws or by association resolution.

Section 2.  A quorum of twenty-five (25) members in good standing shall be necessary at a regular or special meeting, in order for the business of said meeting to be binding on the association.

Section 3.  A special meeting of this association may be called when deemed necessary, by the Executive Board or by a petition signed by twenty five (25) members in good standing and delivered to the recording secretary.

These by-laws were accepted by the membership, after a proper ballot, and counted before the membership on October 3, 2002.  The vote was 621 to 21.