UPDATED December 26, 2022
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was appointed to the N.Y.C. Transit Police on October 6, 1968,
and retired on September 1, 1995. I worked in many commands
including District 32, District 31A, Stakeout Unit, Court
Unit, TPF, TEU and Office of Media Services. I served as a
TPBA Delegate and later as Vice President of the SBA. I was
also President of both the Department’s Softball League and
Bowling League for many years and Director of the New York
State Police Olympics Bowling Competition for 38
worked for David Rockefeller for 36 years and also worked
Woodstock 1999 which was an assignment I will never forget.
After retirement, I bowled on the Professional National Senior
Bowling Tour along with fellow retiree Mike Kilgannon. I have
been inducted into the Long Island Bowling Hall of Fame and
our organization’s Sports Hall of Fame. I am still bowling
competitively and enjoy playing golf.
have been married to my wife, Jessica, for forty nine
years and have a son, Rob. I served in the Army from 1967 to
1968. I will always try to enhance the image of our
association and assist our board members and our membership in
any way I can.
I am happy to have served as your 1st
VP under President Mike Lanning and proud to have been elected
as your new President for the next term starting in 2023 and
to cointinue serving the
membership |

Amadeo 'Deo'
1st Vice

I was appointed December 01,1965.
After grauating from the Transit Police Academy at the 168th
Armory, I was assigned to the old Dist. 2, 125 & Lex, then
onto Dist 4 at Chambers St. From there to Dist 20 where I was
elected the TPBA Delegate. In 1969, I was elected Recording
Secretary of the Transit PBA after running on the John Maye
ticket. I remained in that position until 1979 when I returned
to Dist 20. I was elected TPBA Delegate for Dist. 20 and later
as the Queens Trustee for the TPBA. Proud to say, of my almost
22 years as a Transit Cop, 19 of those years I served as a
representative of the members with the TPBA.
2nd Vice

There is an old
saying, that when at work, “If you like what you’re doing, you
will never work a day in your life”. I know the feeling.
When I was 14 years
old, growing up in Brooklyn, I joined the Metropolitan Rod and
Gun Club with my friend Bob. I would take my rifle in a case
and travel by subway to the club where I learned rifle
marksmanship. I enjoyed the sport so much that I competed in
matches and even brought home some trophies. Back then, I also
went hunting with my friends, my son, brother-in-law and
father-in-law. Unfortunately, climbing mountains to hunt is
too strenuous for me now, but since then, target shooting has
been my life-long hobby. I also taught my wife, Rita, my son,
Raymond, and my daughter, Lauren, how to shoot. When I moved
out to Long Island, I joined the Freeport Rifle and Revolver
Association, where I practice rifle and pistol target
shooting. I make this my time out with my
My career with the NYC
Transit Police Department spanned nearly 21 years. (Class of
June 21, 1965) During that time, I worked on patrol in the
following Districts: 30, 33, 31, 34, 22, 11, Records,
Communications and Operations Units and met many good people.
But when the opportunity arose to be assigned to the Range and
the Firearms Training Unit at Gold Street, I jumped at it. I
will never forget my first day at the Range; I was happy
because I was given six .38 Spl. service revolvers to clean by
Rudy Zubikowski. Rudy could not understand why I was happy for
this assignment as I truly enjoyed handling the tools of my
hobby, therefore, it didn’t seem like work to me. During
almost three years at the Range, I met some celebrities like
Sylvester Stallone and Billy D. Williams in the making of the
movie Night Hawks and Meredith Vierra from the media
who interviewed us. But most of all, I worked with some great
guys including: Sgts. John Cullen, Bob White and William
Carroll and P.O.s Rudy Zubikowski, Tony Borgese, Henry
Melchiona, Dick Sorge, Cardinal (Tony) Campbell, Donald Parks,
and I.W. Smith who was killed in the line of
My most rewarding
accomplishment on the job was to train new recruits, some of
whom had never handled a gun before. A few of them, especially
the women, almost quit “the job” because they were fearful of
the gun and they were also afraid of not being able to
qualify. I trained them to use the tool they needed to master
in order to qualify, the revolver. The recruits were grateful
for my patience and skills in training them so they were able
to qualify. After being promoted to Sergeant in April 1982, I
had to leave my “Home on the Range”, where I felt like
I wasn’t really working because I was doing what I liked to
do. I was reassigned to TPF Patrol and four years later, on
January 31, 1986, I
retired. |

Executive Secretary

I want to take this opportunity to introduce
myself. I am Tom Greer Jr. My father, Tom Greer Sr, worked in District 20. I came
on the job July 15th 1986 and was hired as a proud member
of the NYC Transit Police. I was assigned my dad’s shield
number 1244. Upon graduating, I went to Gold Street to the
Transit Academy. I was assigned to District 20 like my dad
was. On January 20th 1987, I rolled over to the NYPD. I
spent 8-1/2 years there and on October 14th 1994, was
hired by the Nassau County Police Department.
I am
still working and was assigned to the Highway Patrol
Unit. I was promoted to Sergeant in June, 2023 and assigned to
the 7th Pct., Nassau PD, with the hope of getting back to
Highway in the future.
I have been a member of this
organization for many years and was honored when Mike Lanning
tapped me to be Sgt at Arms, and now as your Executive
Secretary under President Bob Valentino.
believe in the organization and am very dedicated to the
members and will continue to be motivated to serve in any
Tom has been very instrumental over the past
several years in getting tickets to the annual "Subway Series"
games between the NY Mets and the NY
Stripp Financial Secretary

Under construction
Bio to
follow |
Recording Secretary

In 1960 I got my first job with the 5th Ave.
Coach Company.
For the first six months, I worked in the garage in
Queens at night cleaning and maintaining the buses. I was then assigned to
the 132nd St. & Broadway body shop. At one time, my
grandfather was in charge of the shop. He made changes to the
windows so they would open and rearranged the seats in the bus
so that they would accommodate more people. He also designed a
double decker that could go over the 59th St.
In 1963 I married my wife Fran who is still the love of
my life after 56 years.
In 1965 I took tests for the Fire Department, Police
Department and Transit Police. I was appointed to the
Transit Police, graduating from the Academy in May of
‘68. My first
assignment was District 3 on the 8Ps. I was there about 6
months then went to District 33, rotating, for about a year,
District 30 for
one and a half years, then to the OU where I became an RMP
Dispatcher on midnights. From the OU I went to District 20 for
about 2 years.
Captain Dunlap started an Anti-Crime Unit and I was
able to get into it and worked steady midnights until I
During that time, I joined the Transit Police Emerald
Society and was good friends with Matty Walsh, President, and
Patrick Collins, Vice President. I soon became Treasurer and
also Recording Secretary for a while. When the Emerald
Society decided to have a Christmas Party for the children of
the members, we needed a Santa Claus and my buddy Patrick gave
me the job. I
began my Santa career in 1971 or ’72. Every year we had the
party in a different location.
On St. Patrick’s Day, I took care of the hospitality
suite at the Royalton Hotel on 43rd St. where the
guys could come up for refreshments before the parade. After the parade
started, I packed up and went to 82nd St. for the
after parade party.
I retired on August 22, 1985 and soon after, I took a
job with Adelphi University working in Security and then as
Supervisor of Mail Services. While at Adelphi, my
wife and I earned BA’s in Fine Arts.
In 2018, I was asked to be the Recording Secretary of
the Transit Police Retirees Association of which I am very
happy to hold that position on the Executive
I am now Santa Claus for the Shields and hope to do it
for as long as I can.
Retired Police
Officer Robert Forrester (aka Santa

Treasurer &

I was appointed to the NYC Transit Police
Department on December 1, 1965 as part of the largest class
ever in the Department. After graduation, I was assigned to
rotating in Dist. 1 then into the O/U on restricted duty
thanks to a bleeding ulcer.
After getting back
to full duty, I remained in the O/U for a while then went back
to Dist. 1, and eventually back to the O/U. That lasted
until 1969 when I was sent to TFU in Dist. 34A until its' end
in 1976.
After a short stay in Dist. 32, I
finally came "home" to Dist. 34, Stillwell Avenue, the "End of
the Line." During my time in D/34, I was
elected Delegate, area Trustee, and ended as Delegate
until my retirement in January, 1986. I also served as a
Trustee of the Annuity Fund of the TPBA for several years.
I was married to my second wife,
Shirley, from 1982 until her death in 2012. Between us,
we have four children and four grandchildren. After a
stint in the limousine business, jewelery
industry security and six years in retail (Woodworker's
Warehouse, Home Depot, Lowe's) I went back into
uniform, and completed 15 years working security at
St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, LI, NY, alongside many fine
retired Transit Police Officers. I finally retired in
Febriary, 2018 to enjoy life with my partner, Emily Sicoli,
and do some travelling. I hold to the philosophy of doing it
while you are able to.
I am happy to have been
asked to be this web site's Webmaster and hope to utilize what
skills I have to maintain this site for the enjoyment of our
members, friends, and Internet visitors. In a final thought, I
would like to see all retired Transit Police Officers united
under the banner of this association. In 2004, I took
over the office of Treasurer, following in the footsteps of
John Regan and Frank Crisa. I now know how hard a job
they encountered and I appreciate all the help they have and
wil l be giving me, but I can say that I do enjoy the time at
the computer. Best to
all. | |

I was appointed to the Transit Police
Department on December 1st, 1965, and Dist.1 was my first
assignment after graduation. This was a great place to learn
the job; I got most of my experience right there. I remember getting
off the downtown A train at 42nd & 8th on
my first tour of duty in my brand new blue uniform. When I got to
the upper mezzanine to make my on-post ring someone yelled “Man with
a gun." There I was,right in the thick of it. Making an arrest in
those days was a trial and error learning process. I learned
Later on I volunteered for assignment
to the Coney Island Summer Squad. I really enjoyed getting out
of the “hole” and into the fresh air every summer. I don’t know how
many summers I did there, but they were all great and I made many
great friends. I hoped that maybe someday I would have the seniority
to pick Dist 34. When I finally made it to the “Country
Club”, I got a call from (then) Lt. Rodney Ward. He told me I was
being assigned to City Wide Anti-Crime. Damn, I just got the
District of my dreams and I didn’t want to go. Anyway, as I
had no choice, I packed my bags and headed back to Manhattan and The
Bronx. This assignment turned out to be the best five or six years
on the job for me. Thanks, Rodney.
When that unit was
disbanded, I wound up back at the “34 House." To make a long story
short; Chief James Ferry (then Lt. Ferry) took me under his wing and
assigned me to many administrative duties in the command.
Under his very capable stewardship I learned the techniques
necessary to become a good administrator. Thanks, Jim. This
knowledge, the ability to get along with people and, of course,
being a Transit Cop, afforded me the experience that I took with me
into my civilian career. I’ve been pretty lucky in that area. I
became the Director of Security at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New
York. I’ve served at Pratt since October of 1987, first as the
Assistant Director of Security then in May 1995, I was promoted to
I finally retired
to "the good life" in 2007. No regrets, a great wife, great kids and
great grand-kids; life is good.
In closing, I
should say that I was honored to serve for seven years as Treasurer
of our fine association. During that time, I enjoyed putting
together “Beyond the Line” as our Association’s newsletter.
It really caught on and the feedback I get tells me the troops enjoy
reading it. However, the demands of being on the executive board
consumed too much of my personal time, so I decided not to seek
re-election. Your new executive board asked me to stay on and
continue to do the newsletter and I’m happy to do it. I think
this organization should get the respect and loyalty it deserves.
Many good things have come directly from the hard work of past
administrations that directly affect the quality of our lives.
Please continue to support us so we can move
forward. Fraternally, Frank
Crisa |

I came on the job April 1965 and retired in September
of 1986, without VSF. I served as Trustee for the TPBA for 12 years
in Queens. I also worked in Dist. 1,20,21,22. I served on the
Retiree Executive Board for 6 yrs as your recording secretary. I’ve
been employed at St. Francis Hospital for the last 4 yrs. and I’m
happily married to my wife Doris for the past 40 years and we have 5
beautiful grandchildren. I love the Transit Police Department and
will always be Retired Transit Police. I am proud to have been the
President of this great association for several years after the
passing of our late President, Ed Russo, and, not to leave the
board, I am happy to remain as your Sergeant-at-Arms and greet the
members at the door at our meetings.
I think that the new
board will do great as long as we keep focused on what we want to do
for the Membership because they are the ones who run this. We have
to listen to what road they want us to follow and try to do it, but
we also have to head where it is best for the organization.
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